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Career School for Graduates – Finance Sector - September 21-22
PlaceBovisa Broggi Campus
ScuolaIngegneria dei Sistemi
Date21 September 2011
Hour9am - 2pm

Career School for Graduates – Finance Sector
Put yourself to the test with the job market

The Career School for Graduates – Finance Sector is for students in their final-year of the Management Engineering, Mathematics and Physics programmes as well as recent graduates from these programmes.

Are you about to graduate?

Have you graduated recently?

Enrol for the Career School devoted to the Finance world and for two days you can "experience" working with the companies you are interested in, to help you choose the professional profile that best suits you.

You will be able to get first hand experience of numerous company projects, put yourself to the test with assessment cases and have individual talks with company contacts to better understand the business areas where you would like to work and the company you feel most in tune with.

By attending both days, you will be able to take part in the sessions held by several companies and have one-to-one meetings with their contacts. You can enrol at any company session you wish to attend.

The event will be held in italian

September 21st      9am-12am
(One choice)


DIG. 01 room


DIG. 02 room

At the end of each session, you will be able to put your name down for a one-to-one meeting with the company contacts to obtain more detailed information on the skills required for the various roles and job vacancies in the company.

September 22nd   9am-12am
(one choice)

. Career Service Broggi room
. DIG. 01n room
. Aula DIG. 02 room

At the end of each session, you will be able to put your name down for a one-to-one meeting with the company contacts to obtain more detailed information on the skills required for the various roles and job vacancies in the company. 

The titles of the businesses areas offered by the companies and the subjects that will be tackled with the company managers will be published soon.

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