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Career Round Table for International Students
PlaceLeonardo Campus - Career Lab Building 2, Via Bonardi 2 Mi
Scuola Tutte le Scuole
Date15 March 2012
Hour1pm - 3pm

This event provides international students with the unique chance to understand the Italian job market, its rules and how Italian employers act on the market.

During a 2 hour Round Table held in English language you will be able to discover 3 top Italian companies and learn their Managers’ opinions about topics such as:

-          Which employment contracts and career growth paths are offered to international students

-          What profiles and skills the companies are currently looking for

-          What “internationalization” and “diversity” mean to them

-          How and when students can do internships in Italy

-          How to avoid cultural misunderstandings when exploring the Italian job market

This event is not a moment of recruitment, but a chance to get precious information  and ask questions, so it is especially useful for students who have not yet graduated!


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Places are limited to room availability: to confirm your presence, please sign up online!

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