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APPLY FOR AN OPEN POSITION: Computer Engineering
PlaceCareer Lab Edificio 2, Leonardo Campus - Building 2, Basement Floor, Via Bonardi 2
ScuolaIngegneria dell'Informazione
Date14 January 2013
Hour9:30 am - 11:30 am


The Career Service offers you a meeting to learn about open job positions in line with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering.

You will be able to understand the roles companies are looking for, also with the help of Professor Pierluigi San Pietro and a Career Services Career Development Manager.
At the end of the meeting you will be able to apply for positions that you believe to be in line with your CV.

Once applications have been gathered a meeting will be confirmed with companies in a Recruiting session where you will attend an interview directly with company representatives.

Register, you will be able to find out about open positions in the following companies for related to your degree programme.








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